9 Makeup Tips That Will Make Your Morning Routine Infinitely Easier
Makeup is an art form like no other that allows you to connect deeply with yourself while sparking your creativity. On weekends and before special events, it can be wonderfully centering to create a complex makeup look.
But during the week, there’s rarely the time for that! Most days, you need a quick and easy morning makeup routine that will transform you into the best version of yourself with minimal effort.
We’ve collected our favorite easy makeup tips for effortless French beauty so that you can have more time to live your busy life.
Our advice runs the gamut, from how to get organized to specific eye makeup tips, so you can put your best face forward every day.
1. Determine your 5 essentials
If you were stuck on a desert island, which five makeup products would you want with you? By narrowing your look down to 5 staples, you can simplify your morning makeup routine without compromising your unique touches.
It’s up to you which products you focus on! Maybe you need flawless foundation and just a bit of mascara to feel polished, while someone else might be happy with a hint of powder but more eye makeup.
You can even try the KonMari method, by going through your makeup item by item to consider what sparks joy!
While you don’t have to restrict yourself to 5 things every time you do your makeup, this is a good exercise that will put you in the right mindset to scale back your morning makeup look.
2. Practice makes perfect
While we do want you to get creative and have fun with your makeup, there’s not much room for that when it comes to your basic makeup routine.
Whether you’re an old pro or a beginner, the best makeup hack for doing things quickly is to repeat the same look over and over again.
It’s not the most exciting, but this is the best way to build muscle memory. This way, even if you want your daily makeup look to be a little dramatic, you’ll be able to do it quickly, even if you’re half-asleep.
3. Organize your space
How simple can your morning makeup routine be if you have a cluttered makeup collection? It’s easy to lose track of time when searching for particular products amidst the chaos.
Having an organized vanity or bag where each item has its place may seem like an obvious and easy makeup tip, but it’s by far the best way to speed up your morning routine.
No matter what kind of workspace you have, you can find a suitable organizer. There are all kinds of options, including plastic drawer sets, multi-pocket makeup bags, and hanging organizers for your wall or bathroom door.
The key is to organize things in a way that’s optimized for your routine. Your everyday essentials should be the most accessible, while the items that you only use once in a while can be tucked away.
Another trick is to organize products according to how they’re used in your routine. For example, your powder and powder brush can be placed together, as can your lip liner and signature lipstick.
4. Multi-use products
It’s surprising how much time you can save when you don’t have to reach for a new product every few minutes! This makeup hack makes narrowing down your routine to five essentials a little easier and speeds things up significantly.
For example, instead of rummaging around for the right blush, you can dot a bit of Le Grand Volume lip gloss over the apples of your cheeks and then blend it in with a finger or a sponge. The result? Glowy and natural everyday makeup, with a blush that’s perfectly matched to your lips.
5. Easy on the mascara
Your eyeshadow looks perfect, you’ve curled your lashes, and all you have left is to apply that finishing touch of your favorite mascara. But then, disaster strikes! Maybe your lashes end up clumping together, or perhaps you blink and end up with a smudge of mascara on your lid.
While we do include a tip that makes clean-up a little easier, later on, it’s better to achieve perfect lashes on the first try. We have a simple mascara tip that guarantees separated, natural-looking lashes without any smudging!
Before applying your mascara, wipe the wand down on the tube’s lip, so it’s not too saturated with product. Then, when you wiggle the mascara over your lashes, there won’t be any excess product on the wand, so they will look extra separated and fanned out.
6. Celebrate one feature
French beauty lends itself well to a minimalist, basic makeup routine because it tends to focus on just one quality at a time. Whether that’s your lips, eyes, brows, or cheekbones is totally up to you.
Of course, the most classic look is clean skin, a hint of mascara, and a bold layer of vibrant lipstick like our Matte Constance in Classic Red! If you’re bored of doing the same look over and over again, this is a great way to get creative without compromising much of your speed.
7. Prep your skin
With French beauty, less is more when it comes to makeup, but more is more when it comes to hydration. You can greatly improve your natural everyday makeup by optimizing your canvas.
When your skin is properly moisturized, your foundation will glide on easily in the short term, while in the long term, your complexion will look better and require less foundation.
While no skin care routine is one-size-fits-all, there are a few things that can make your life way more comfortable. Removing your makeup at the end of the night with a gentle cleanser, using a moisturizer twice a day, and packing on the sunscreen before you go outside will go a long way towards giving your complexion a natural glow.
8. Speedy eyeliner tip
Liquid eyeliner is a French girl staple, but it’s not always the best product for when you’re in a rush. If it’s part of your signature look, opt for felt-tip eyeliner like the Feutre Fin, which will give you more control for a quick, perfect wing.
9. Cotton swab makeup hack
In a perfect world, you’d never make mistakes, especially not on rushed mornings! Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, so this eye makeup tip is helpful to know. All you need for it is a cotton swab and some concealer or liquid foundation.
Dip the cotton swab in your product of choice, and it’ll become a precision eraser! Use it to gently wipe away small smudges and to clean up lines around the eyes or lips. Unlike a makeup remover, which takes off layers of makeup and requires major touch-ups, this makeup hack leaves behind perfect looking skin and allows you to make small fixes in seconds.
You’re ready to go
With a bit of planning, practice, and just a few easy makeup tips, you can transform your morning makeup routine into something that’s easy, quick, and incredibly flattering. Très magnifique!